
Showing posts from May, 2020
  What is the purpose of life? Why do we exist      - sadguru I know at some point in your life you must have thought about it. But, every time you think, gets to an opinion, and you will leave the topic, isn't it? So, today let us come to a collective conclusion with me. Isn't it fantastic that you have no purpose, nothing to fulfil, you can just keep going with your life? But, we try to find purpose, not even a purpose the 'God-given purpose' , but on the contrary, the people who think they have a god-given purpose are doing the cruellest thing on the planet, isn't it? because when you have 'god-given purpose' life here becomes less important than your purpose. No, but the life is important, and when we say life it isn't your friends, family, what you do, what we do not do, your party, when we say life we point within us, the very sense of your existence is life, what you are is life. Life isn't someth