What is the purpose of life? Why do we exist      - sadguru

4 Unbelievably Easy Ways To Find And Keep Inner Peace

I know at some point in your life you must have thought about it. But, every time you think, gets to an opinion, and you will leave the topic, isn't it? So, today let us come to a collective conclusion with me.

Isn't it fantastic that you have no purpose, nothing to fulfil, you can just keep going with your life? But, we try to find purpose, not even a purpose the 'God-given purpose', but on the contrary, the people who think they have a god-given purpose are doing the cruellest thing on the planet, isn't it? because when you have 'god-given purpose' life here becomes less important than your purpose. No, but the life is important, and when we say life it isn't your friends, family, what you do, what we do not do, your party, when we say life we point within us, the very sense of your existence is life, what you are is life. Life isn't something around you it is you, it is within you. we are mistaking ambience of life for life, your family, your workspace is the ambience of your life this is not the life, isn't it? We mistake ambience with the real thing.

Life is important because this is the only thing you know, do you know anything else? rest is all imagined stuff, isn't it? The only thing you sense, you find beating and alive that's all there is, it is you, your body. So, is this important, not you as a person but you as a piece of life is important, because that's all it is, it is the basis of everything. The universe exists because you are, it exists because you experience it. The whole world exists just in your experience, isn't it? Otherwise, its existence doesn't have any value for you.

So, just in case you had a purpose, what would you do after that?
Life so intricate, that if you observed it for even 10,000 years you will still not know it entirely. If you spend a million years at it with the full focus still you will not know it entirely, that's just how it is. So is there meaning to it the greatest thing about life is there is no meaning to it.
This the greatest aspect of our life that it has no meaning, there is no need for it to have a meaning. It is the pettiness of one's mind that it will seek for meaning because psychologically you will feel unconnected with your life if you don't find the purpose/meaning of it. People are constantly trying to create these false purposes. Now, they were quite fine and happy. Suddenly they got married now the purpose is another person. Now, they become miserable with each other. Now, the whole purpose that I go through all this misery because of the children. Like this it goes on, these are the things your causing and holding it as a purpose of life.

The thing is the creation is made in such a way that the creation and creator cannot be separated, here you're a piece of creation at the same time the source of creation is throbbing within you if you pay little attention to the process of your life you would not need any purpose it'll keep you engaged for the million years if you want. There are so much unbelievable things happening right inside you. Now here the need for the purpose has come because you're trapped in your 'psychological structure' and not with your life process. Your psychological structure functions from the limited data you gathered within that it rolls, and right now you thought your emotion has become far greater than your life. Because of this, you're seeking the purpose as an escape from the trap, that you have set for yourself. It is the trap set by your own mind you can easily come out of it.

If the trap is set by somebody else it is difficult to come out, isn't it? But that is the whole thing why there are difficult is because somewhere you're identified with the trap and you liked it because of it you the certain sense of security, protection, and individual identity. Like if you build the cocoon around you it gives you protection but it also imprisons you, isn't it? The wall of self-preservation is also the walls of self-imprisonment. When it protects you, you like it but the time it imprisons you, you don't like it.

So psychology wall that you have made around you, gives you a sense of security, identity, sense of being a person. At some point, it begins to feel like a trap within and somewhere you want to break it. So, some way of not breaking it to find a purpose those who find the purpose in the life they became conceited, they will live in there own trap forever thinking they are doing the most fantastic thing. See the first thing you need is 'balance'. If you had a balance then you can climb, if you don't have balance it best to stay on the ground. It is not safe for somebody who is not balanced to climb high.
So, the first thing is to establish the balance, then you loosen your psychological structure then its a wonderful thing if you loosen your psychological structure without balance which a lot of people are doing today. See why does somebody want to have alcohol or a drug because it loosens the psychological structure you feel liberated for a moment, but without a necessary balance you have not worked for the balance but you got freedom.
Freedom without balance is destruction, anarchy isn't is. So, first, work for your balance enormous sense of balance where even if you dismantle psychological structure you can simply live here. Dismantling your psychological structure is important because that is the trap that is your security, that is your stability at the same time that your trap. If you dismantle your psychological structure it also dismantles your security, it also dismantles your sense of purpose, you will also dismantle everything that matters to you, so that will need balance without balance if you dismantle it you will go crazy.

Don't look for a purpose, if you do your seeking madness, if you got purpose your sure mad.
Only insane people have a purpose, or people with purpose are insane. There is no other purpose the purpose of life is to live and to live totally it does not mean a party every night.
before you fall dead every aspect of life should be explored nothing should be unexplored.
Before you fall dead you could not explore the cosmos but you must have explored the life within you and its entirety.

10 Things Mentally Strong People Give Up to Gain Inner Peace | Inc.com

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