What Is Death? How Life Leaves The Body After Death by Sadguru (complete science of death).

'The Death' -Bitter Truth of Life.

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By sadguru...

What is doctors concept about life, they say we have one trillion cells in our body and each of these cells are living by it self. And when you say the patient is no more it's just the brain dies after 2 or 3 minutes but still large part of body is still alive and these cells even when after the patient is dead are alive. so, the question arises that 'what dies when we die' so that brings us a question where is this life in our body is it our brain our heart, what is the life we are talking about? 

The religious beliefs have totally screwed up the human mind so badly that people cannot even know what is happening within themselves they know the 'geography of the heaven', and where is god sitting how many children he has when is his birthday every thing they know, how come they don't know where is their life isn't it ridiculous. If we are life so, how come we know so many things and we don't what is the nature of our life. 

Now, we asked why if somebody is dead still cells are active, as some of us may know that dead body is given a shave up to ten eleven days, why this is so, what we are calling a life physically it's a mechanism on many different levels, there is a hardware and there is software, the software is equally importent otherwise how would a cell know that it's a human cell, that it is not a pig cell, a tree cell, because there is a entire software there are certain memories, there is evolutionary memory, genetic memory, karmic memory they are varieties of memory imposed on every cell in the system so, that it never gets confused, if we eat dog food for three day's we will not become a dog isn't it because the memory is entrenched in this so there is whole software the software package is actually bigger than the hardware much bigger and it is energised by what we are considering as a life force. 

In yoga we called it 'prana' it manifests itself in five basic dimensions, there are other forms to it, but it gets too complicated. here we will only talk about five basic forms these are called-
  1. Prana vayu.
  2. Samana vayu.
  3. Apana vayu.
  4. udhana vayu.
  5. viana 
These have different functions 'prana' is related to breath. Respiratory action and thought process if the prana vayu depletes your respiratory action goes away, so doctors checks him and say he's 'dead'. They will try to pump there chest, if he doesn't come back he's dead. Respiration and your pulmonary actions are very directly connected, as the respiration stops that process will naturally come to an end so 'pran vayu' is gone it's not like one after the another will go they will go at the same point. but one is dead means this is gone. If 'Samana vayu' goes, which is in-charge of generating heat in the system so ones 'samana vayu', starts receding body starts getting cold, and also it starts becoming stiff. Once 'Apana vayu' starts receding then the sensory aspect of body starts leaving. we must understand this we may check somebodies breath and declare them dead, but they can still, fill sensations there have been many number of cases where people get terrified because a dead body moves a little bit. This has happen again and again many many times that when he's medically declared dead there are twitching in the body that happen in a very mild way because the sensory activity is still active. The life is not fully convinced that it's finished. It's still making an effort of it's own. When 'Udhana vayu' goes then the 'buyoncy' is gone. You may weigh 70 or 80 kg , lets say your very happy and alive right now you don't fill that weight. but it is there if you stand on a scale it is there when you walk it is not there simple because this 'udhanna' creates buoyancy it makes you less available to gravity there is whole school of 'udan' in china where you might have seen those movies Hollywood movies or that's Crouching Tiger or something. Where they have mastery on 'udana' where they can float around a little bit, well little exaggerated in movies but becomes lighter more buoyant body, for martial art fighter to be buoyant is important, there have been many cases where certain martial arts expert , have shown that what is physically not important they have done by leaping up to heights which all physics believe is simply impossible but they have gone beyond that level simply by creating more buoyancy. so, udhana is in charge of buoyancy ones Udhana starts receding suddenly body becomes heavy always it was the same weight does not increase but you can feel the weight much more simply because 'Udhana' is gone, the people working in the hospital may know carrying a live person and a dead person there is a big difference simply because the Udhana is gone there is no buoyancy

The fifth dimension is called 'viana' this is preservative in nature, if viana receds even when you are the body will begin to rot. There are certain types of snake venom's which can do this if they bite you, you will not die but literally parts of the body start falling apart simply because viana will recede and it will start falling apart, so once viana receds the rotting process will begin.

There are systems in yoga where we want all the seven to go reasonably together within one and the half hour we want it to go. It depends on a particular body how vibrant it is. When we say long time it may take hours. Viana may take 14 days to leave. This is why in the hindu culture, we have rituals running up to 14 days, because they feel viana may be still there if you bury a Pearson the viana maybe still powering there show up to 14 days. That is why in hindu culture this was a rule, within the 1(1/2) hours we must cremate dead one. But then mistakes happen when some body still alive somebody put them on the funeral fire so they stretched it to 4 hours. But, today there are issues, like relatives are not in a town or there may be anything so the people are waiting one day, two day. So, today the idea is not followed properly by the people.

When we declare someone dead, as far as that person is concerned in a way all that's happend is he is disembodied he lost his body, all his life he lived thinking he is a body, never realising the physical mass we caring is just an accumulation from this planet. when suddenly he slips out the body he tends to hover around the body because he lost his discriminatory intelligence once you leave the body the discriminatory intellect is not there so this tends to hover around the body so in hindu culture we said the moment we are sure that somebody is dead we must immediately cremate them, because it is good for that dead as they know the game is over, and it's also good for the living you will see if somebody very dear to you is 'dead' and their body is here you keep on hallucinating 'maybe they are just sleeping, maybe they will sit up, may be some miracle will happen, this will go on unnecessarily, you will see the people are crying and big emotional drama is happening but the moment you cremate them you will see everybody become silent, have you noticed it? Always now every body knows the game is up not for only living but the dead also. 

So, about life leaving the system it is so entrenched it is not something "poop" and it will go away suddenly, this happens in stages and it goes away. 
"Because in stages we came in and in stages we will go away."

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  1. Replies
    1. yeah, but may i know who are you?
      Thank you for support.

  2. Nicely written ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  3. I have a question. I am a seeker and I keep seeking answers to things I do not know which is alot. I really love and admire this article you have written and I have also watched the video interview where this was discussed both are really insightful. But, recently I came across this and according to the Nisvasattvasamhita Nayasutra (6th-10th century)
    Praแน‡a is associated with the Heart and is responsible for Talking, laughing, singing, dancing, fighting, the arts, crafts, tasks.

    Apana is associated with downward breath which Lets food and drink enter the body, and waste move down and out of body.

    Udana is associated with upward breath located in the Throat. Responsible for Sneezing, hiccuping, vomiting, coughing.

    Samana is located in the Navel Mixes what is eaten and drank.

    And Vyana is located in All the joints and is responsible for Horripilation, bending of limbs, sense of touch.

    So which is more accurate please clarify this. Thank you.


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